The Goblin of Fear: Imaginary Anxiety Glutton

I felt alone on that stage despite the large orchestra, the full-house, friends in the audience, I just felt horribly alone on stage.
Body Awareness: The Ultimate Teacher

Despite always having large hands, something snapped. I heard and felt it, yet I kept playing. After my lesson, I was so angry, I went to practice another two hours, lacking awareness of the burning pain in my left hand.
An Anthology of African and African Diaspora Songs: Buy it! Now!

Glendower knows that when I email him, I am always “desperate” for music that I needed yesterday. If he does not know about it, it does not exist.
The Silence Within The Chaos

For weeks, I have hesitated to start blogging again. What could I possibly write, that hasn’t been written before? Surely, there are pedagogues with richer vocabulary and insight.